Personal Training With a Kinesiologist
Whether you're an athlete, or you can’t do a push up, training with a Kinesiologist will get you to your fitness goals in the smartest, fastest, safest way possible! Be empowered by the increased strength and stamina to do everyday tasks like playing with your kids, lifting the groceries, and hustling through your day. Having a qualified fitness professional has never been more important. With so much advice out there, it’s hard to know what is good advice without knowing the science behind how our bodies work.
"Kinesiology is the science of human movement, applying the latest evidence-based research to improve function and health. "
As a Kinesiologist, my approach to fitness and athletic training uses evidence-based methods that are derived from science. Every client comes with a unique profile. This is made up of their current skills and fitness level, their knowledge and experience about the gym equipment and using proper technique, any health considerations that will affect their performance and ability to make progress in a fitness program, and exactly what they are trying to get fit for. I create each training program to provide the maximum results in the safest way forward. You don’t need any experience in the gym to start training, and you are guaranteed to become more fit.
- Michael Fu, Certified Personal Trainer, BSc. Kinesiologist, FMS 1 Certified
Learn self-defense skills, AND have a great work out! If traditional methods of “work outs” aren’t appealing, perhaps kickboxing will interest you instead. I’ll be honest, I hate cardio workouts, one way I make sure I get my dose of cardio work is by playing sports, and for the past 10 years I’ve kickboxed my way to maintaining my cardio. It’s extremely effective, and I get to feel like I’m learning a skill and having fun.
What They Say...
I’ve been training with Michael for almost 3 years, and I’ve been able to accomplish so many of my athletic goals. Whether it was during my football season or my wrestling season, Michael was right there on top of my training. He made sure that I had the best training program to get me game ready on the field, or on the mats. As he always says, "I just give you the tools, but you did all the work" I'm thankful to have such a patient coach!
-Mahan Zabihi
Fit To Thrive operates out of Infighting Training Centres Burbaby. A large, PRIVATE martial arts gym.